Why Energy Healing?

I have always been a well person: I’ve never broken a bone, until this year had never been hospitalised overnight and other than a filling in my teen years, maintained a perfect dental record! All in all, this is something I pride myself on, especially in my role as a fitness and nutrition coach guiding others on their path to wellness.
This year, all that changed - I was struck down with a gastroenteritis-type bug, and hospitalised for 2 nights with uncontrollable vomiting. My white blood cell count was through the roof, meaning my immune system was fighting hard against something. But aside from that, all other bloods, urine and stool samples came back normal, X-rays showed up nothing and when I responded to antibiotics, I was released, with no idea as to what had caused it. I had not been feeling 100% myself for about a fortnight prior, and this feeling didn’t seem to subside completely for some time.
Three months later, whilst on an aeroplane travelling to the Gold Coast to compete, it struck again. Further testing, ultrasounds and scans delivered no conclusions as to what was causing my body to react in such a violent and aggressive manner. In each spate I was incapable of eating for 5 days, losing 7.5% and 10% of my bodyweight respectively, and an unbelievable amount of strength in such a short timeframe.
If it wasn’t a disease causing this reaction, I began to come to the conclusion that it must be a deficiency, or something I am doing in my lifestyle that my body cannot tolerate. I set myself a goal, to get to the root cause of my illness to ensure it would not return. I booked an appointment with a gastrointestinal specialist, but given that I couldn’t get in to see him for 9 weeks I had plenty of time to wait, time in which I did not want to sit idly by waiting to get sick again.
Around the same time, I was introduced to a woman named Gina Yallamas, founder of Collecting Consciousness, specialising in energy medicine.
This incorporates energetic healing disciplines such as reiki, acupuncture and chinese herbs. I researched Gina’s website, including her blog and immediately felt connected to her philosophy and her vision. I booked in for my first appointment.
What Does It Involve?

Each session is 60 minutes in length, and for the majority of the time you are left alone to rest or meditate.
For me, a typical session with Gina begins with a consultation about what is going on in my life, and usually a little chat about philosophy and life in general. Gina has a wonderfully calming presence and her perspectives on life and the world around us are thought-provoking gems of insight. In one session, when discussing the frustrations in wanting to help family members, who are often to close to heed the advice we offer, she quipped “Ah, but this is the family you chose to spend this lifetime with, these are the people you hand selected before you came, there’s something you needed to learn from this experience. Remember that"
Gina is a woman of many talents and her business, Collecting Consciousness, offer a range of services under the energy healing umbrella including Reiki, Acupuncture and the use of Chinese Herbs, where applicable.
Does It Hurt?
Acupuncture involves the insertion of tiny needles into specific areas of the body to open up meridian channels and allow movement of energy throughout the body. For me, the ‘pain’ level changes depending upon how I present on the day, however the pricks are never worse than a 3/10 in my opinion. Occasionally, I will have a particular point which accumulates more heat and I feel more intensely, but it is not a painful experience by any means. For many, the concept of needles is terrifying, but any tension felt upon entering the room is quickly eased in the presence of Gina, and she is very swift in her application, so it is barely felt.
How Does It Help?
Visiting Gina at Collecting Consciousness has helped to bring more Yin to my life and is enabling me to restore balance and work out how to maintain it for myself. I am a very Yang person, a fire sign with lots of energy, expression and activity, something I have been told by more than one practitioner adept in energy practices.
My sessions with Gina have enabled me the space and time I have needed to allow my subconscious to take over, to calm my nervous system and show me the path forward. Each session has culminated in what I am referring to as the lightbulb moment, where I have a realisation and nagging thought upon on awakening from the practice. In my first sessions, this was yoga. I haven’t practiced yoga consistently for six months now, and I am missing it - unfortunately, I still have not developed a consistent habit around this, however I think I have a new solution for this, so stay tuned!
In my second session, the lightbulb moment was more simple, meditation. A simple 5 minute a day practice in the morning, to centre myself, calm and prepare for the day ahead - with a core focus for each day, and coming from a place of balance, ready to offer my best self forward in the service of others.
In the short time since my first visit to Collecting Consciousness, I am pleased to report that I am feeling a heightened sense of motivation, wellness and happiness - I am incredibly pleased with the results of my treatments so far, and would highly recommend getting in touch with Gina Yallamas if you ever feel anxious, overwhelmed, apathetic or frustrated - feeling tight and wound up is not normal and does not have to be your life. Take action to be the best version of you!
You can check out Gina’s website at https://www.thenatureofhealing.org.